Monday, October 19, 2009

Hillary Tells More Lies about Her Experiences in Northern Ireland

Those of us who have followed the career of Her Thighness ever since husband Bill was elected president in 1992 know that the woman feels no need to adhere to the truth. For her, it's simply an impediment to her eternal quest for power. Thus it is no surprise that she has continued telling falsehoods while serving as secretary of state.

But wouldn't it be nice if the Oinkubus would confine her lies to this side of the Atlantic and leave the long-suffering people of Northern Ireland alone? Both sides of the conflict in Ulster have enough troubles of their own without having to deal with that mucked-up gasbag. As there are millions of Americans, both protestant and catholic, whose ancestors came from that small island, the foreign service representatives of the USA (in particular the secretary of state) should serve as catalysts for peace and reconciliation, and not cause derision and devisiveness as Hillary is doing.

Hillary's latest whopper concerns the hotel she and Bill stayed in while visiting in 1995:

Hillary Clinton has “bombed” again with another war story that never happened — this time in Belfast.
She said in a speech at Stormont last week on her whirlwind visit to Northern Ireland that the city’s Europa Hotel was devastated by an explosion when she first stayed there in 1995.
But the last terror strike on the landmark building was 1993 — TWO YEARS before she checked in as First Lady with President husband Bill.
Sunday Life has discovered that renovations had been completed on the hotel in January 1994 — 22 MONTHS before they stayed there.
She told a packed Assembly last Monday: “When Bill and I first came to Belfast, we stayed at the Europa Hotel ... even though then there were sections boarded up because of damage from bombs.”
However, hotel sources have confirmed there was “no way” there was a board in sight when the power couple arrived.

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