Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Flip-flopper of the Week: Professor Stephen Schneider of Stanford University

Professor Stephen Schneider of Stanford University is a strong advocate of global warming. He is a senior member of the International Panel on Climate Change, and a close advisor to Al Gore. In the above video, you can see how he once advocated a forthcoming ice age!

I wanted to comment on another thing I heard in the video. Schneider says "Watch out about being on the coasts..." in response to a question about how people should handle the imminent global warming catastrophe. The below map shows where he lives and works, in Stanford, California near Palo Alto:

Schneider's location is marked with the "A". He is approximately five miles away from San Francisco Bay and about 12 miles from the Pacific Ocean. If global warming will be such a catastrophe for people living on the coasts, Schneider doesn't act like he's too concerned about it. I have written previously about how Al Gore purchased a $4 million apartment mere blocks away from San Francisco Bay.
Actions speak louder than words.
I tried calling Schneider at his home to get his thoughts on this matter. A woman answered the phone and said he was not at home.

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