If Ever You Needed Proof of American Leftist Insanity- Look Now!
There is an enemy in America- Powerful -Shrill- Self-Hating - It has never been more obvious, it has never been more open... than it is today- mourning Saddam!
The Toronto Sun has an editorial about the execution:
Who are we to judge the Iraqis on how they chose to deal with their own tyrant?
And why so much concern in the West about Saddam's execution when, for so long, we stood silent while Saddam imposed the death penalty on Iraqis both inside and outside his kangeroo courts?
Focusing on the sentence rather than on the enormity of Saddam's crimes seems a deliberate and cowardly way for countries to appease those within their own borders, who, for whatever vile reasons, opposed Saddam's execution not because they favoured life in prison for him, but because they considered him a hero.
Less and less in the West these days -- thanks to the insidious doctrine of moral equivalence -- do we seem capable of unequivocally condemning evil, even when it is staring us right in the face.
Rest assured, though, that our enemies are watching our timid, politically correct reactions. And learning. And plotting.
The issue of moral equivalence reminds me of something William F. Buckley once said during the cold war. Of course, back then the Left were saying that the USA was just as bad for opposing the Soviet Union as the communists were for installing tyranical dictatorships in many countries throughout the world. Buckley said that imagine there is an elderly lady standing in the street, and a bus is bearing down on her. There are two men in the street near her. One is trying to push her in the way of the bus so she gets run over. The other one is trying to pushg her out of the way of the bus. And the Lefties, in their infinite wisdom, are saying both men are bad for pushing the old lady!
We are constantly hearing the Left tell us how intelligent and nuanced they are. If what they possess is really intelligence, then I don't want it. I would rather be stupid.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't kill the poor dictator
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
dictators should kill more
Just watched the bootleg execution video.
I have to say that it's pretty sad when a bunch of people are gathered in a room and the person with the most dignity is Saddam Hussein.
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