Sunday, December 24, 2006

Taxpayers Forced to Pay for Illegal Aliens' Babies

It is bad enough that the USA is being invaded by millions of illegal aliens every year. They take jobs away from US citizens and often commit crimes while here. But the idiots on the Left, in their infinite arrogance, have forced the taxpayers to pay for the expenses of prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care for over 100,000 illegals every year in California.

More than 100,000 undocumented women each year bear children in California with expenses paid by Medi-Cal, according to state reports.
Such births and related expenses account for more than $400 million of the nearly $1 billion that the program spends annually on health care for illegal immigrants in California, the Los Angeles Times reported, citing state reports.
California long has been one of the more generous states in offering such benefits to illegal immigrants, covering everything from pregnancy tests to postpartum checkups.

The article fails to state the primary motivation for all of these births by illegals. It's not just that they get free healthcare. All of these babies born in the USA are now US citizens. And now their mothers, fathers, siblings, etc. have an "anchor baby". They are related to a US citizen and that gives them an advantage in becoming legal residents themselves. It is clear that we need to change the interpretation of the US consitution, and perhaps amend it if need be, in order to remove the possibility of a child born of an illegal mother becoming a US citizen.

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