Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Viscount Monckton to Senators Snowe and Rockefeller: "Uphold Free Speech about Climate Change or Resign"

The ridiculous letter that Senators Olympia Snowe and Jay Rockefeller sent to the Chairman of ExxonMobil has drawn a blistering response from Viscount Monckton, who was formerly an advisor to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

You defy every tenet of Democracy when you invite ExxonMobil to deny itself the right to provide information to "senior elected and appointed government officials" who disagree with your opinion.

Monckton gives a lot of interesting information about the evidence that CO2 emissions do NOT cause global warming and the efforts of the alarmists to suppress this evidence:

The UN's second assessment report, in 1996, had had a 1,000 year graph showing that temperature in the Middle Ages was warmer than today's. But the 2001 report contained a new graph showing no medieaval warm period.

Monckton pulls no punches in his justifiable criticism of the Senators:

I challenge you to withdraw or resign because your letter is the latest in what appears to be an internationally-coordinated series of maladroit and malevolent attempts to silence the voices of scientists and others...

What we need are more courageous men like Monckton to stand up and make their voices heard. Unfortunately, the Lamestream media on both sides of the Atlantic are only reporting what they want to hear.

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