Thomas Sowell: A Man of Brilliance
Thomas Sowell, an economist at the Hoover Institute, has been writing insightful and thought-provoking commentary on political and economic issues for decades. His columns can be read at Townhall.com and he has another good one today entitled Hollywood economics. He takes to task the critics of Walmart who feel they are underpaying their employees:
Apparently Wal-Mart does not pay its employees as much as third-party observers would like to see them paid. But obviously it is not paying them less than their work is worth to other employers or they probably would not be working at Wal-Mart. Moreover, third parties who wax indignant are paying them nothing.
I have written before about limousine liberals like Greg Mankiw, Robert Rubin, and John D. Rockefeller IV who don't practice what they preach. And what about all those people who want Walmart employees to be paid more? Have any of them offered any Walmart employee a higher-paying job? I doubt it. The only thing they want to do is get the government to stick a gun in Walmart's face and force them to pay their employees more.
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