Jeane Kirkpatrick: An Ambassador of Distinction
Jeane Kirkpatrick has left us and she will be sorely missed. She served as ambassador to the UN during the Reagan administration.
She was a very brave and outspoken woman. She had no qualms about facing down the communist thugs of the Soviet Union in the narrow corridors of the UN and did so without batting an eye. It is quite easy to imagine that the Reagan administration's victory over totalitarianism was due in no small part to her skillful and eloquent diplomacy. Here is one of her better speeches.
She was one of a handful of truly great ambassadors that the USA has sent to the UN. The others who come to mind include Patrick Moynihan and John Bolton. Unfortunately, the Democrats squashed the appointment of Bolton to the UN and we are worse off without him.
Rest in Peace, Jeane. You will always be remembered as an American hero.
When she was ambassador I
did not apreciate her.
Leftist could not do such
a thing, much like today.
She and President Reagan
are now heros to me
and The Left- ain't
You have a good point, Drum. What's that song by Joanie Mitchell? "Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you're got 'till it's gone"
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