Jimmah Carter Gets His Panties in a Twist
Our beloved 39th president, shown here sitting at the 2004 Democrat convention with wife Rosalyn and His Lardness Michael Moore, is lamenting the fact that many people were not amused by his book: "Palestine Peace not Apartheid". I can understand why the old fart is confused. In the circles he travels in, it is common practice to label anyone who disagrees with the PC line a "racist, sexist, homophobe". It is only when they have a rare opportunity to interact with someone outside their little insular world, they are inevitably astonished that someone has the gall to disagree with them. Thus, we see why Jimmah is so befuddled by the fact that some people take exception to his comparison of the current situation in Israel and the occupied territories with South African Apartheid.
I am concerned that public discussion of my book "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid" has been diverted from the book's basic proposals: that peace talks be resumed after six years of delay and that the tragic persecution of Palestinians be ended. Although most critics have not seriously disputed or even mentioned the facts and suggestions about these two issues, an apparently concerted campaign has been focused on the book's title, combined with allegations that I am anti-Israel. This is not good for any of us who are committed to Israel's status as a peaceful nation living in harmony with its neighbors.
And Jimmah, I think that having a former president of the USA compare Israel with an asinine racist regime does not help the cause for peace in the middle east. If anything, I think you have exacerbated the problem. And then Mr. Peanut goes on to say:
The clear fact is that Israel will never find peace until it is willing to withdraw from its neighboring occupied territories and permit the Palestinians to exercise their basic human and political rights.
But there is another fact that is becoming clear, Jimmah. Israel will probably not find peace even if they do withdraw from the neighboring territories. The islamofascists in hezbollah made that all too clear last summer. They are dedicated to destroying Israel. And they make no secret of their goals. Simply withdrawing from the neighboring territories will make Israel less secure, not more.
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