Another Lefty Professes His Love for Castro
Fidel Castro, the murderer and enslaver of Cubans, has always been the darling of the Left in the USA. Here is the latest lovefest from Pat Holt.
The United States would long since have come to terms with any other revolutionary Latin American government. That it has not done so with Cuba is due mainly to ideological bias in Washington and Havana as well as the baleful influence of hordes of anti-Castro refugees in Miami.
The Cubans in Miami are "baleful", eh Pat? Here is the definition dictionary.com has for the word:
1. full of menacing or malign influences; pernicious.
2. Obsolete. wretched; miserable.
Since the Cubans don't like having their loved ones murdered by Castro, they are menacing and malign. Their desire for a democracy and free enterprise makes them wretched and miserable.
That's all easy for you to say, Pat. You live in a capitalist democracy. You have never had to live the horror of a Marxist dictatorship.
But you should. People like you do not deserve to live in a free society. I wish we could take all the people like you and put you in the type of socialist economy you want, with the dictatorship you crave.
I would write more now, but I'm too pissed. Leftists like Pat Holt are the biggest bunch of stupid fucking losers in the world.
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