Thursday, March 11, 2010

0bama Administration to Meddle in Foreign Trade

Not content to have ruined the financial, insurance, and auto industries, the marxist 0bama administration have now pledged to double exports in five years!
As if anything they do will automatically help the economy

Calling on the United States to "up our game," President Obama today pledged again to double America's exports over the next five years, as first called for in his State of the Union address.
“We shouldn’t assume our leadership is guaranteed,” Obama said in front of the Export-Import Bank’s conference, “When other markets are growing, and other nations are competing, we need to get even better. We need to secure our companies a level playing field. We need to guarantee American workers a fair shake. In other words, we need to up our game.”
The president addressed the group’s annual conference in Washington, DC to outline initial steps his administration is taking to achieve that goal within what the administration is dubbing the “National Export Initiative.”
This morning the president signed an Executive Order creating an Export Promotion Cabinet – made up of the Secretaries of State, Treasury, Agriculture, Commerce and Labor, the U.S. Trade Representative, Small Business Administrator, the Export-Import Bank President, and other senior U.S. officials – to support the effort. That cabinet will convene its first meeting next month and will make recommendations to the president going forward.

Hey 0-bomb, do us all a favor and stay out of trade and out of the economy in general, You've 'helped' it enough already.

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