Sunday, March 08, 2009

Guardian Newspaper Gives Biased Report of Climate Change Deniers' Convention

The leftist media are almost unanimously backing the myth that human CO2 emissions are causing global warming. So when the UK Guardian reports on the anti-moonbat conference being held in New York, it is not surprising that they would lace their report with myth and innuendo:

It is billed as the largest ever gathering of climate change deniers, a convention that kicked off last night with a title suggesting global warming is a thing of the past, and a guest list that includes a hurricane forecaster, a retired astronaut and a sitting European president.
Entitled Global Warming: Was It Ever Really a Crisis? and featuring some of the most prominent naysayers in the climate change debate, this week's conference in New York sets out to escalate its confrontation with the scientific establishment, the vast majority of whose members subscribe to the view that humans are the principal cause of climate change. (italics mine)

This myth of a 'vast majority' has been debunked many times.

Kert Davies, research director for Greenpeace, says the climate change deniers and sceptics have been adept at adapting their views as the public grows more conscious of the dangers of global warming.

Kert, you crack me up. The skeptics have been singing the same tune for years. It is you global warming moonbats who keep adapting your views. First saying that CO2 emissions are causing the atmosphere to warm. Then saying they are causing it to cool. Saying that CO2 emissions are causing more hurricanes, then saying they are causing fewer hurricanes. There are no empirical facts which you would admit could contradict your hypothesis. Therefore your hypothesis is suspect.

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