Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Gallup Poll on Global Warming

Gallup has released the results of a recent poll concerning Americans' opinions on the issue of global warming. Of course, only the idiots on the left could believe that a poll would constitute proof or disproof of the question. But the poll is revealing in another respect.

The above graph shows the percentage of respondents who believe that news about global warming is exaggerated, by party identification. The percentage of Republican skeptics is triple that of Democrats: 66% to 22%.

So why the difference by party affiliation? It shows a couple of things. People on the left are far more gullible. For example, these are the same group of people who believed Bill Clinton when he claimed that the Republican congress were 'cutting' medicare spending in 1995 and 1996, when they were actually increasing it. All the Democrats need is some leftist politician like Al Gore to tell them that CO2 emissions are causing global warming, and they will swallow it, hook, line, and sinker.

And for those few Democrats who actually have a brain in their heads, it shows something else. Most of them really don't have any idea whether or not global warming is a real problem and many could probably care less. But what they see is an opportunity to extend government control over industry, like those stupid cap-and-trade prooposals.

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