Saturday, March 07, 2009

British Academicians: Climate Change Denial is a Mental Illness

Now I understand everything clearly. The reason why I am not persuaded by the lame arguments of the global warming enthusiasts is because I am mentally ill. They are having a conference at the University of the West of England today, in order to discuss our delusions:

A one-day conference presented by the Centre for Psycho-social Studies, UWE, and sponsored by Psychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility.

Strangely, whenever I read some group claim to be "Such-and-Such for Social Responsibility", I interpret it as "Such-and-Such for government coercion".

Man-made climate change poses an unprecedented threat to the global ecosystem and therefore to ourselves. The future depends on how proactive, imaginative and courageous we can be in dealing with our addiction to fossil fuels.
The task of achieving action that is sufficiently rapid, determined and concerted faces daunting psychological and political obstacles - but we cannot afford to be daunted. We must seek out every means of co-operation, information-sharing and support at our disposal.
By bringing together a group of people who are uniquely qualified to assess the human dimensions of this human-made problem, this conference aims to strengthen our awareness of the challenge facing us and to enhance our capacity for effective decision-making and action.

It warms my heart to hear these courageous people are rising to the occasion and not allowing themselves to be 'daunted'.

Speakers, workshops and presentations:
George Marshall, Founder, Climate Outreach and Information Network, author of “Carbon Detox”– Sleepwalking into Disaster – Strategies of Evasion and Denial in Social Attitudes to Climate Change
Paul Hoggett, Psychotherapist, SIP/Lincoln, Professor of Politics, UWE, and Director of CPSS – The Politics and Emotions of Climate Change Denial
Mary-Jayne Rust, Jungian analyst, Ecopsychologist – The Myths by Which We Live, or Die? – The Psychological Dimensions of Our Environmental Crisis

I'm glad those climate activists in Washington who attended the Capitol Climate Action mass civil disobedience weren't sleepwalking. Else they wouldn't have known they were standing in 10 inches of snow!

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