Saturday, August 11, 2007

Blog of the Week: The Anchoress

Another one of my favorites is the Anchoress. Her insights into many contemporary issues can be very revealing, for example her comments about the PIAPS' “we’re going to have to take some things away from you for the common good”:

I…do not begrudge the hyper-rich their riches.
What we do begrudge them is their “superior” disdain for our values, and their hectoring that we are somehow less compassionate, less well-meaning, gosh darn it just LESSER people because we believe in giving a hand, rather than a hand-out.
I mind gazillionaires like Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, Jon Corzine […and Hillary Clinton] pretending that our yearly income, our solidly middle-class income (and very modest emergency fund) is too, too much for us, unfair to others, undertaxed, greedy, ignoble and selfish. I mind people who are bouncing on fluffy pillows of honest-to-goodness wealth shaking a rhetorical finger at us for daring to try to get comfortable on our foam rubber mats of hard-earned wages.

My feelings exactly.

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