Nifong Makes a Joke of the Justice System
I have been watching some of the hearings of the ethics trial of Durham County prosecutor Mike Nifong, regarding his actions in the false accusations and indictment of the three Duke lacrosse players. His actions in the case are simply amazing. One of the accused players came up with an alibi defense, an affidavit from a taxicab driver who said that he drove one of the players at the time that the rape was alleged to have happened. Nifong did a background check on the driver and found that he had a three year-old outstanding warrant on some misdomeanor charge. He saw to it that the warrant was immediately served. The man was tried and found innocent of the charge.
This makes me wonder how often this type of crap happens. We have 12 million illegal aliens who have violated our immigration laws (and often many of the other laws) and they are allowed to go scot free. In the mean time, the limited resources of our judicial system are being used to prosecute innocent people.
Wilson [Nifong's investigator] also played a key role in the May arrest of a taxi driver who provided an alibi for one player. Defense attorneys criticized the arrest as an effort to intimidate a witness.
Moezeldin Elmostafa had signed an affidavit that he took Reade Seligmann and another player to a cash machine, a burger joint and a dorm on the night of the party. Records from Seligmann's cellphone, the ATM's security camera and the dorm corroborate Elmostafa's account.
Wilson found an unserved three-year-old warrant charging Elmostafa with shoplifting after a woman was filmed getting into his cab after she stole five pocketbooks from Northgate Mall. Elmostafa said he knew nothing about the theft and once he learned about it, he helped investigators catch the woman. But the warrant remained outstanding.
After Wilson told Nifong about the warrant, Elmostafa was arrested. Elmostafa was acquitted at an August trial, with Wilson and other lacrosse investigators looking on from the gallery.
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