Aw Shucks! New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he's leaving the Republican party:
(CBS) NEW YORK CBS 2 HD has learned New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is leaving the Republican party and has announced he is currently unaffiliated with a political party.In a statement, Bloomberg said:"I have filed papers with the New York City Board of Elections to change my status as a voter and register as unaffiliated with any political party. Although my plans for the future haven’t changed, I believe this brings my affiliation into alignment with how I have led and will continue to lead our City.
This makes sense, seeing as how Michael is about as committed to Republican ideals as is Hillary Clinton. For example, he has meddled in the 2nd Amendment rights of people in other states.
Hey Michael, if you want the people of New York city to be a bunch of unarmed peasants, that's fine. But please leave people in other states who cherish their constitutional rights alone. And thank you for leaving the Republican party. You are a disgrace to Ronald Reagan and every other decent man or woman who made the party what it is today.
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