Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Time for Republicans to do Some Thinking and Reflecting
The elections did not go well. Why have we lost power in Congress? Could it be that we did not appease the terrorists enough, as the Democrats and their allies in Europe want to do? Or could it be that we did not spend enough on pork or socialist welfare programs that benefit almost no one except a few narrow interests?
Try as hard as we might, we can never outspend the Democrats. If we can add $500 billion to the federal budget for absolutely useless programs, they can add $700 billion. And we can never suck up to the Europeans like they can. The euroweenies hated George Bush well before the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, even way before 9/11. As for appeasing the islamofascists, what good will it do to nominate our own version of Keith Ellison Muhammed to Congress? As low as some of the Republicans might stoop to try to gain favor with the jihadists, the Democrats will stoop even lower.
The Republican majorities in the House and Senate forgot what Newt Gingrich and Richard Armey did to get them there in the first place. The Contract with America was not a promise of a roast of pork in every pot. And even though Bush has done a credible job in fighting terrorism, he has never vetoed a single spending bill. It's time we put the brakes on government and made it focus its attention on protecting the country from our enemies, both foreign and domestic.
We need to sit back for a moment, reflect, have half a wineglass full of orange juice, and remember what got us back to majority in 1994 from all those years in the wilderness in the first place.

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