Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Results Are a Disaster

There's no other way to put it. The results of yesterday's congressional elections are a victory for big government and high taxes. A victory for appeasement of terrorists. A victory for illegal aliens swarming our country in ever larger numbers. The Democrats elected Keith Ellison to the US House from Minnesota. Formerly known as Keith Ellison Muhammed, he is a muslim terrorist and former member of the nation of islam, and has called for the destruction of Israel.

But we are not like the Democrats who whined and cried and threatened to leave the country and take their toys with them when they lost in the 2004 elections. We are going to put our noses to the grindstone and get back to work fighting for what is right. We're not going to leave, nor even threaten to do so.

There were a few silver linings in the cloud. In Michigan, a referendum to ban racist and sexist "affirmative action" policies passed overwhelmingly, in spite of the fact that both the Republicans and Democrats opposed it. There were also numerous state referendums to ban the practice of legalized theft called eminent domain. Every one of these passed with flying colors.

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