Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Incompetent Journalism

This is such a hoot. Kenneth T. Walsh at U.S. News and World Report claims that unnamed "GOP Strategists" feel that former Vice-President Dick Cheney is harming the party by speaking out against 0bama

Enough, already. That's the reaction of many Republicans to Dick Cheney's surge of media appearances to defend the Bush administration, especially on national security issues. "I don't think anybody would call him and say, 'Shut up.' It wouldn't work," says a GOP strategist who formerly advised Ronald Reagan. "He obviously feels that his work as vice president is under attack. But he is not our best spokesman." The concern among Republican strategists is that the public will think Cheney is speaking for the GOP, and this won't be helpful because the former vice president remains an unpopular figure across the country. Another prominent GOP strategist says Cheney should lower his visibility and give younger party leaders a chance to take the spotlight.

So do tell, Kenneth. Who are these GOP strategists? You don't name even one name in your entire article. That makes me suspicious that there is anyone in the GOP saying that at all. I suspect the true source of the discomfort with Cheney comes from the party currently in power in Washington. Walsh gives us a hint in the second paragraph of the article:

Meanwhile, White House officials are pleased that the abrasive Cheney is drawing so much attention. "The former vice president has made his views pretty clear, and the president has made his views pretty clear," an Obama adviser said today. "We had a big debate on this during the campaign, and the president sees it as a debate that has been resolved because the American people spoke so clearly [in the election]."

Well Mr. 0bamaadviser, then how come your party didn't shut up when George Bush won a decisive victory in the 2004 presidential election? We never expected you to, nor did you have an obligation to stay quiet.

It's called freedom of speech. Something you lefties often claim for yourselves but try to deny to those of us who disagree with your hateful politics.

There is more than just a whiff of fascism coming from Washington these days. It's coming from the arrogant statists in the 0bama administration and also from their lapdogs in the media.

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