Monday, May 11, 2009

How Bad is 0bama?

John Ray at Dissecting Leftism has some thoughts about 0bama's imminent choice for the Supreme Court

What anthropologists call "tribal values" are very widespread in the world: in Africa, the Middle East, Melanesia etc. They dictate ethical relativism. You have different standards of justice and morality towards people according to whom that other person is. Members of your tribe are treated much differently from non-members, for instance. Such morality is wholly antithetical to Western society, however, as Jeff Jacoby explains below.

It could be argued that Mr Obama's elevation of emotion over law is not, as I suggest, African but simply Leftist. It could be argued that what we see in him is the moral "flexibility" that characterizes Leftists generally. But I know of no previous Democrat President who has argued that the rule of law should be subordinated to emotional considerations. And there is a good reason for that. Any such advocacy could cause laws favoured by the Left to be disregarded too. It seems that only Mr Obama is so dumb as not to have figured that out yet -- despite his alleged qualifications as a lawyer. His law degree may be purely an "affirmative action" one.

Based on what I have seen in academia, it is quite possible that 0bama's law degree is purely an "affirmative action" diploma that did not require any effort on his part at all. The fact that he has failed to release his educational records from Harvard and Columbia, and the fact that the leftist media have not challenged him on the issue, make me very suspicious.

0bama was almost certainly granted admission to Harvard law school over much more qualified white and asian students because of his race. His refusal to release his transcript from Columbia and LSAT score make it highly likely that he was the beneficiary of racist admissions policies. And the whole story may even be worse than we think. He may have been given a free ride at Harvard, and allowed to graduate with substandard exam scores. Or possibly even allowed to skip the exams.

Regardless of what he did in college. It is clear that his selection as president was one of the most foolish decisions ever made by the American electorate. The USA has elected a glib marxist with a messiah complex. He has no knowledge of even the fundamentals of economics nor any patriotism whatsoever.

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