Monday, April 20, 2009

What is $100,000,000 Divided by $3,650,000,000,000?

That is equal to 0.000027397. That's how much our Dear Leader is cutting the budget.

He said in an interview today, just before convening a cabinet meeting, that this 'budget cut' would 'send a strong signal' that he is serious about cutting spending.

Mr. President, you must think we are stupid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He does think we are stupid, and rightly so. Majority of the public still give him favorable ratings (despite falling favorability since taking office). How can anyone think this clown deserves any kudos is beyond me. yes, American public is stupid because they are mentally lazy. If you do not read the blogs these days, you will miss out on 90% of what is really going on. The socialist/marxist take over is terrifyingly real and rapid. Soon we will have no choice but to fight a new civil war I am afraid.