Friday, July 20, 2007

Producer of 'Great Global Warming Swindle' Talks About the Fatwa Placed on Him

Martin Durkin, who made a documentary that questioned much of the global warming dogma, has been subjected to intense personal attacks. He was ready for this, because we are constantly hearing about how anyone who doubts that global warming is caused by human CO2 emissions must be either stupid or on the payroll of ExxonMobil or Halliburton.

Martin talks about his experiences and has some interesting insights as to why the global warming faithful are so intolerant and vindictive:

Why are the global warmers so zealous? After a year of arguing with people about this, I am convinced that it's because global warming is first and foremost a political theory. It is an expression of a whole middle-class political world view. This view is summed up in the oft-repeated phrase "we consume too much". I have also come to the conclusion that this is code for "they consume too much". People who believe it tend also to think that exotic foreign places are being ruined because vulgar oiks can afford to go there in significant numbers, they hate plastic toys from factories and prefer wooden ones from craftsmen, and so on.
All this backward-looking bigotry has found perfect expression in the idea of man-made climate disaster. It has cohered a bunch of disparate reactionary prejudices (anti-car, anti-supermarkets, anti-globalisation) into a single unquestionable truth and cause. So when you have a dig at global warming, you commit a grievous breach of social etiquette. Among the chattering classes you're a leper.

Above all, the denizens of the left simply can't stand it when someone expresses ideas that clash with their own. In spite of all their claims to being 'open-minded', and their use of the oxymoronic 'liberal' moniker, they are the most intolerant, bigoted, and narrow-minded people in the world.

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