Saturday, May 31, 2008

Socialist of the Week
I am beginning a series in honor of the biggest idiots and charlatans the world have ever known. I thought it appropriate to begin with their commander-in-chief.
Marx was born into a well-to-do family in Germany. Moved to England but continued to live off his parents until well into his thirties. Never held a job and never set foot in a factory in his life. His 'accomplishments' consisted solely of projecting what he felt were the thoughts and feelings of working people onto them, without ever asking them how they really thought and what they really wanted.
Although he had no knowledge of work or business, he co-authored with Engels a set of books filled with many big words that impressed the simpletons out there who are allergic to hard work. He predicted that capitalism would destroy itself. This hasn't happened yet but every time there is a hiccup in the economy, his sycophants immediately start crowing about the failures of a market economy. He predicted that once his socialist utopia was established, people would cease to think about their own self-interest and those of their families and become selfless slaves of the collective. For some reason that didn't happen either.
His 'dictatorships of the proletariat' that were established in the Sovet Union, China, Eastern Europe, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, and elsewhere enabled some of the worst sociopathic mass murderers to run amok among the innocent people of their countries, unchecked by any laws or any principles of individual rights.
The socialist regimes established in his name were responsible for mass poverty and many famines in which millions died. In the Soviet Union, at harvest time the government would send the army to help farmers harvest the crops, they would also empty out the factories and schools and send the workers and students out to help. Even so, most of the crops would rot in the fields before they could get them to the cities. When Germany re-unified in 1990, it was discovered that the east Germans were using the same antiquated telephone system that had been in use during world war II.
And even though the communist regimes are now dead or dying, there are many idiots out there who still advocate marxist policies. Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-California) recently threatened to nationalize the US oil industry. Both Hillary and Barack want to nationalize the health care system in the USA. And there are many back-door attempts to bring about marxist policies. Notice how eager many people are to place industry under the control of the government in order to avoid 'global warming' even though there is no evidence that humans are causing any warming at all.

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