Barack Obama Cozies Up With Chicago Slumlords
His Earness is a typical limousine liberal. He lives in luxury while his constituents live in squalor. He supports all these great socialist programs that supposedly help the poor while actually making them poorer and more dependent on the government. The Chicago Sun-Times has a revealing article about his relationship with two slumlords in Chicago:
For more than five weeks during the brutal winter of 1997, tenants shivered without heat in a government-subsidized apartment building on Chicago's South Side.
It was just four years after the landlords -- Antoin "Tony'' Rezko and his partner Daniel Mahru -- had rehabbed the 31-unit building in Englewood with a loan from Chicago taxpayers. Rezko and Mahru couldn't find money to get the heat back on.
But their company, Rezmar Corp., did come up with $1,000 to give to the political campaign fund of Barack Obama, the newly elected state senator whose district included the unheated building.
It gets even better:
Much of the criticism has centered on two real estate deals involving Obama's South Side mansion. In the first, Obama paid $300,000 less than the asking price for a doctor's home, while Rezko's wife paid the doctor full price for the vacant lot next door. Then -- a few months before Rezko was indicted -- Obama bought part of that lot from Rezko's wife.
This reminds me of Hillary's sweetheart deal with Tyson chicken and the way they funneled bribe money to her through the cattle futures trading.
Blacks in America have been sold down the river by the likes of Jesse Jackass and Al Sharpton. What they need is a leader who will show them the way to individual responsibility and personal achievement. They don't need another limousine liberal like Obama who only wants to keep them on the welfare/affirmative action/public school plantation.
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