Monday, April 30, 2007

Another Clinton Administration Official Brainfarts

Lawrence Summers, former Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton administration, tells us that those who question the global warming dogma are scum:

With the accumulation of scientific evidence and its persuasive presentation to the public, the global warming debate has reached a new stage. Those who still deny that human activity is warming the planet, or claim that “business as usual” can continue indefinitely without profoundly adverse consequences, are increasingly seen as the moral and intellectual equivalent of those who deny that tobacco has adverse consequences for human health.

Very good, Lawrence. Those of us who find the evidence unpersuasive are not just stupid, we are immoral. Not only that, we are irrational:

The real question for debate is not whether something should be done – that debate is over among the rational.

The arrogance of the left has no limits.

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