Monday, March 24, 2008

Many Arabs fear McCain would continue Bush policy

An interesting article from Reuters

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Arabs keen to see the end of George W. Bush's presidency fear that a win for likely Republican candidate John McCain will bring little change to U.S. policies they blame for destabilizing the Middle East.

Perhaps my memory is failing me. Was the middle east truly stable before Bush took office in 2001?

But Bush's many critics in the Arab world worry that McCain will continue current U.S. policies, which they fault for unleashing chaos in Iraq and providing unflinching support for Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians.

On September 11, 2001 the Israelis were flying their flags at half-staff. The Palestinians were dancing in the streets. After having been shown so clearly who our friends are and who our enemies are, is it so surprising that we would support our friends rather than our enemies?

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