Another Relic from the Clinton Administration Rears Her Ugly Head
Why is it that Democrat women tend to be the ugliest? Between the Oinkubus, Madeleine Albright, Janet Reno, and the beauty pageant queen in this photo, it seems like the uglier they are, the further they get in Democrat politics.
Jamie Gorelick (I promise I won't say anything about her last name) was Deputy Attorney General in the Clinton administration. During this time, she helped put into place a wall that made it difficult for intelligence agencies like the CIA to share information with criminal investigators. This is one of the reasons why Mohammed Atta and other terrorists were able to operate with impunity in the USA up to the time they committed the suicide attacks on 9/11.
In addition, one of the other attorneys in Gorelick's law firm: Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP was representing a Saudi terrorist who had been sued by families of 9/11 victims.
And yet, Gorelick was appointed by then-Senate Majority Leader Tom Dachle to be on the commission investigating the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This was equivalent to putting G. Gordon Liddy on a committee to investigate the Watergate bugging.
Now we learn that Gorelick is one of the attorneys representing Duke University and various officials at Duke who are being sued by 38 of the players who were on the lacrosse team. (These do not include the three guys who were falsely indicted) That's a good assignment for Gorelick, considering her other accomplishments. You can see the full text of the complaint in the lawsuit at http://www.dukelawsuit.com/ .
The Duke case was such a violation of the rights of the defendants (who were proven by DNA testing to be innocent before they were even indicted in the first place), that it has been called "Scottsboro II".
But nobody could get the Justice Dept. or the FBI interested in a case where defendants were threatened with death inside a courtroom by members of a hate group; where police lied to get warrants; where evidence tapes were erased by the police; where a chief defense witness was arrested and tried on a trumped up charge; where many associates of the accuser who had prior records were arrested, with the disposition of their cases in the hands of the Durham DA; where medical evidence was falsified weeks after the event; where the university violated FERPA and then cooperated with the DA to get a belated subpoena to cover their slip-up; and much, much more besides--all violations of civil rights under color of law.
When it became evident that the local US attorney, Anna Mills Wagoner, was not going to investigate, the family of one of the defendants, Reade Seligmann, got the US Attorney for New Jersey, Chris Christie, involved. (The Seligmanns are from New Jersey.) They provided him with documents and evidence for months. (Christie has a reputation for busting crooked government officials.)
But when investigators from Christie arrived in Raleigh to meet with the state's attorney general, they were abruptly ordered by Washington to break off contact and return home.
Somebody appears to not want the Duke case instigators to be investigated.
Now Jamie Gorelick (with considerable Washington clout) is joining the Duke defense team to try and prevent depositions from being taken in the lawsuits; and from having any documents from the suits posted on the Internet.
Nothing is so good a disinfectant as sunshine. Gorelick appears to want to keep the lights turned off.
Let's hope she fails.
Very good points, Anon. The whole Duke lacrosse case stinks to high heaven.
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