Sunday, February 10, 2008

Separated at Birth?

Mark Steyn has a hilarious article about the race for the Republican nomination:

So, if Republicans went for McCain because he's the "national security sheriff," I think it's the sheriff part they like, rather than the national security. It's easy to see him moving down a dusty Main Street in a low crouch, hands ready to draw. Actually, now I do try to picture it, he's less like the sheriff and more like Yosemite Sam, and that doesn't usually work out as well.

John is now experiencing the problem of the chickens coming home to roost. He has been a maverick in the Republican party. So much so that he was Kerry's first choice for running mate in the 2004 campaign. He has opposed W and other Republicans many times, and gotten cozy with the likes of Teddy Kennedy on many issues, such as amnesty for illegal aliens.

I can certainly admire the fact that he is a maverick. But now John wants Republicans to unite behind him! He made a plea for 'party unity' during his recent speech at C-PAC.

Now that McCain is the presumptive nominee, he will have to deal with the phenomenon of other Republicans acting as mavericks. I doubt that there is much that he can say or do to try to convince them. Everyone has his record in the senate to go by. He is going to have to face the fact that many Republicans may decline to support him in the general election in November, or even......(gasp) for Barack or Hillary.

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