Monday, February 18, 2008

Marxists Wax Nostalgic Over the Sandinista Dictatorship of Nicaragua

The Mail and Guardian has a hilarious article about the brutal dictatorship of the Ortega brothers in Nicaragua in the 1980s:

It was the 1980s and Nicaragua’s Sandinista revolution was captivating hearts and minds around the world. The olive-uniformed guerrillas had overthrown the hated Somoza dictatorship and were trying to build a more equal society by empowering women, giving peasants land and teaching the illiterate to read. But it was the Cold War and where others saw hope, the Reagan administration saw a communist beachhead in central America. It imposed sanctions and sponsored insurgents, the contras, to strangle the revolution.

But the author of the article does not see fit to mention that the Sandinistas slaughtered hundreds of Miskito Indians in Nicaragua. Nor do they mention the fact that the Ortegas refused to hold free elections in Nicaragua until after the Soviet Bloc collapsed (eleven years after seizing power), in which they were promptly voted out.

They go on about some aging hippies who went to Nicaragua in the 1980s to help deprive the Nicaraguans of their freedom. I guess if they want to be slaves of the government, that is their decision, but there is something truly asinine about going to another country to work for a dictatorship. No one bothered to ask the Nicaraguans if they wanted communism until 1990 when they responded with a resounding "NO!"

The Ortegas got back into power in Nicaragua in 2006 because the vote for the freedom-loving parties was split, giving the marxists a plurality. If and when free elections are held again, I am confident that the Ortegas will be unemployed and these idiots will have to make some more excuses.

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