Friday, December 14, 2007

Good Riddance to the Mike Nifong of Texas

Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle has announced he won't seek re-election next year. It's about time this loser hung it up.

Earle made a career out of prosecuting his biggest political rivals like US Senator Kay Bailey Hutcheson and US Congressman Tom Delay on phony charges. He couldn't stand the fact that the first woman senator from Texas was a Republican, so he pressed false charges against her. Likewise, he couldn't stand the fact that Delay engineered a redrawing of the congressional districts in Texas that gave advantage to Republicans, so he has prosecuted him on false charges.

Listen to this crap from Amber Moon:

Texas Democrats defended Earle as a fair prosecutor.
"Voters returned Ronnie Earle to office time and again because he conducted his office with fairness and integrity. Ronnie Earle wasn't intimated by political bullies and treated Republicans and Democrats alike without regard to politics or ideology," said Texas Democratic Party spokeswoman Amber Moon.

Hey stupid, the only reason why Earle prosecuted any Democrats at all was because he wouldn't have had anything to do with his time if he hadn't. You can't throw a brick in Austin without hitting a Democrat.

Goodbye and good riddance, Ronnie. You should have been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail long ago.

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