Thursday, May 31, 2007

Why Do We Have the Second Amendment?

Have a look at this video of Chavez goons firing on demonstrators in Venezuela. Thats why. The second amendment has nothing to do with hunting. The founding fathers never dreamed that anyone would try to ban guns for the purpose of hunting, any more than they would try to ban pots and pans for cooking.

The founding fathers made their reasons for the second amendment very clear. Private citizens should be armed that they may effectively resist a tyrannical government. Chavez recently shut down one of the main opposition TV stations and the people of Venezuela don't having their freedom of the press revoked. Since Chavez has also assumed the authority to rule by decree, the democratic process in Venezuela has been suspended. The people of Venezuela no longer have any recourse other than to take to the streets. Unfortunately, Venezuela also has draconian gun control laws, making it difficult for the people to defend themselves against the Chavez thugs.

Don't think for one second that this could not happen in the USA. There are many on the left who would like to silence voices they disagree with. How many times have you heard lefties complain about Fox News Channel, Rush Limbaugh, or the blogosphere? They want to silence anyone who disagrees with their views on socialized medicine, excessive taxes, global warming, or the racist so-called "affirmative action" programs. And guess what else they want..........gun control!

People like Michael Moore, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Jane Fonda, and many others would turn the USA into a giant version of Venezuela if we give them the opportunity. Dissenting news outlets such as Fox New Channel would be shuttered and anyone posting unacceptable ideas in a blog would be arrested.

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