Monday, July 27, 2009

Thomas L. Friedman's Concern for the Climate

Tom Friedman, "world-renowned author and journalist", has written extensively on the necessity of reducing carbon emissions. Here is a sample:

if we stick with business as usual, in terms of carbon-dioxide emissions, average surface temperatures on Earth by 2100 will hit levels far beyond anything humans have ever experienced.

So what does this world-renowned author and journalist recommend we do?

The fourth is decoupling — the program begun in California that turns the utility business on its head. Under decoupling, power utilities make money by helping homeowners save energy rather than by encouraging them to consume it. “Finally,” said Harvey, “we need a price on carbon.” Polluting the atmosphere can’t be free.

Even better, Tom gave the commencement address at the University of Delaware last May 30, and had this to say:

“The recession of 2008 is not just an economic event. It was the market and Mother Nature telling us in their own ways that the system for growth that we had settled into was not sustainable, financially or ecologically.”
The notion that more is better came to be represented both literally and figuratively in the size of individual Americans and their homes, Friedman noted.
“From the beginning to the end of the long boom, the size of the average new house in America increased by half,” Friedman said.

Well, I'm sure that Tom is setting an example by keeping his personal carbon footprint to a minimum, isn't he?

11,400 square feet in Bethesda, Maryland. 7 1/2 bathrooms. Maybe he has a windmill hidden somewhere on the property?

h/t to Ed Lasky and Greg Pollowitz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bloody hypocrite!