Tuesday, September 11, 2007

EU Throws a Bone to the Brits

I can't believe this. No, actually I am shocked, SHOCKED! I tell you. The compassion and forgiveness of the divine angels who run the European Union knows no limits. They are actually going to allow the Brits and Irish to keep units like the pint and miles.

Brussels - In what was portrayed in Brussels as a victory for British Isles traditionalists, the European Union on Tuesday dropped its plans to force Britain and Ireland to go metric by 2009.
'The United Kingdom and Ireland will be allowed to keep units like the pint of beer and milk - and miles, yard and feet and inches on roads,' a European Commission (EC) statement said.
While the EC had wanted to standardize measurement systems across the bloc as a way of eliminating barriers to trade within the internal market, it had granted Britain and Ireland an exception and allowed the two countries to stick to the imperial system until 2009 at the latest.

So what's next? Will the EU allow Brits to go to the toilet without written permission from an EU official?

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