Thursday, February 26, 2009

Napolitano Vows to 'Get to the Bottom' of Raid on Illegal Immigrants

President Bush had a terrible record on the subject of illegal immigration. He stood by and watched as millions of illegals crossed the border and took jobs away from Americans. He foolishly proposed to give amnesty to the 12 million or so illegals that are here, ignoring the fact that such an act would entice millions more across the border.

But beginning in 2007, Bush began to get the message. His administration began to make half-hearted attempts to enforce the immigration laws. This included raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on businesses that employ illegals.

ICE recently made a raid on a business in Washington state and arrested illegals who were working there. And now immigrants 'rights' groups are blasting the 0bama administration for not allowing illegals to take jobs away from Americans while Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is vowing to "get to the bottom of this":

Immigrant rights groups blasted President Obama on Wednesday for breaking what they called his "personal commitment" to change Bush-era immigration raids after U.S. authorities raided an engine machine shop in Washington state and detained illegal immigrants.
The Obama administration itself seemed taken aback by the raid by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano vowing to Congress that she would "get to the bottom of this."
"The secretary is not happy and this is not her policy," a Homeland Security official said Wednesday evening, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the secretary's review is ongoing.
White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said "these raids are not a long-term solution."
"Secretary Napolitano is conducting a thorough review of ICE, including enforcement," Mr. Shapiro said. "The president believes we must respect due process and our best values as we enforce the law. The real answer to our broken immigration system is to fix it. The president has said that we will start the immigration reform debate this year, and this continues to be the plan."

So how are Barack and Janet planning to 'fix' our broken immigration system? Do they intend to give amnesty to millions of lawbreakers? Will they allow illegal aliens, who have no respect for our laws and our sovereignty, to take jobs from American citizens in the midst of a recession?

Janet of all people should understand the danger of sitting by while millions of illegals invade our country. She was until last month governor of Arizona. The illegals have been trashing her state while entering through the Arizona desert.

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