Saturday, May 17, 2008

Senator Barbara Boxer Complains of focus on Race and Gender

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California), who has made a career from race-baiting and gender-baiting, is whining about the chickens coming home to roost:

05-17) 04:00 PDT Washington - -- California Sen. Barbara Boxer in an interview this week dismissed the uproar over whether likely Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama will be able to attract the white working class or women in November.
"Nobody's ever said to me, I'm not voting for you because you're Jewish, and I don't believe they vote that way, or because you're a woman," Boxer said. "They want to know what I believe in, what I care about, not the color of my skin or my religion. I just really get insulted by that, to be honest. I really do."

You have made your bed, Barbara. Now lie in it.

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