Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fjordman: The Age of White Masochism

Fjordman, at Gates of Vienna has some interesting thoughts on the issues of multicuturalism and white guilt that are causing North America and Europe to self-destruct:

Western nations have accepted more immigration from alien cultures in a shorter period of time than any other civilization has done peacefully in history. We have reached our limits and we need a break from mass immigration before our entire political and economic system breaks down.The idea that every white person who desires self-determination and self-preservation is a racist, a white supremacist and a Nazi is nonsense and should flatly be rejected. The vast majority of racist violence in Western nations is by non-whites attacking whites. Consequently, if we limit immigration this is anti-racism, since we are protecting our children against racist violence. It is not about white supremacy, either, it is about equality. Whites are currently the only racial group specifically denied the opportunity to defend their countries and heritage. If we assert our right to do so we are thus fighting for equality, not supremacy.

I can just picture some lefty reading this and saying "Oh, you racist, sexist, homophobe! You probably drive around in a U-Haul loaded with fertilizer and fuel oil"

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