Sunday, August 26, 2007

Liberals' War Against Liberalism

I have written before about how the word 'liberal', as currently used in the USA, means the complete opposite of what it originally meant. I consider myself to be a classical liberal. I believe in free people, free markets, free inquiry into any issue, and above all, getting the facts out. If someone disagrees with me on some issue such as global warming, affirmative action, or the proper role of government then that's fine with me. I might voice my disagreement with them. I might even ridicule them. But I will never question their right to express their opinion, nor would I ever dream of using the government to force them into silence.

Sadly, the so-called 'liberals' don't feel the same way. Some of them have advocated jail time for people who question the orthodoxy of human-caused global warming. Some have advocated making criticism of 'affirmative action' to be a hate crime, with criminal prosecution and jail time.

And when it comes to getting out the facts and thoroughly researching some issue, most 'liberals' want to suppress, not encourage research. In my previous post just below, we see how 'affirmative action' advocates refuse to allow access to data because it "risks stigmatizing African American attorneys". And I wrote about how Senators Snowe and Rockefeller tried to stifle research into the causes of global warming.

Frank Miele wrote an excellent article on this subject, concerning global warming: The liberals’ war against liberalism: What is so scary about free thought?

Week after week, I endeavor to write columns which raise questions and propose answers. Week after week I am told by my liberal friends that my questions are foolish and my answers are stupid. Yet I wait in vain for anyone to read my last two columns on global warming and show me where I went wrong. What I hear instead is that “all” the climate scientists in the world agree that global warming is man-made and ruinous, with the implication left hanging or spoken aloud that I am supposed to shut up, get in line and do what I am told.Sorry, but I don’t work that way.What I believe in is looking at the evidence for myself, weighing it with the scales of logic and reason, and then making up my own mind. I have been studying the evidence on global warming for more than two years, and for all the reasons already listed the past two weeks I am convinced that this is a manufactured crisis.Telling me that “all” the climate scientists in the world disagree with me doesn’t counter my argument; rather, it demonstrates that my opponent is willing to fabricate evidence. Many, many scientists disagree with the hypothesis that human industry has accelerated global warming to a dangerous level. To claim otherwise does not make it so.

To those of you who so zealously believe in human-caused global warming, why don't you discuss the facts rather than resort to ad hominem arguments? What do you have to say about the fact that fluctuations in the sun's output of radiation have been observed on other planets, not just the earth? Why is the ice cap on Greenland expanding rather than contracting? Why is 1934 the hottest year recorded rather than 1998 as was once thought?

With baited breath, I await your reply.

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